Selling to Amazing Discoveries

We Buy Everything!

Our best rates are on Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Singles. We will make offers on other TCG's and collectibles so feel free to bring them in!

I dont actually want to sell my cards, I'm looking for an Appraisal.

We do offer an appraisal service. We will give you a document you can use for insurance or record keeping purposes. It is $50 per hour and billed at a minimum of 2 hours.

Do I need an appointment?

Appointments are not required for trades. All locations have a buyer on staff during open hours. For large or complex trades it is reccomended you call ahead to let them know you are coming.

Payment Options

We offer payment in the form of Cash, Check, Paypal, or Store Credit. Be aware for Paypal they charge a 4% fee.

Store Credit Bonus

We default offer a 40% Credit Bonus on all cash offers.

Bulk Rates

Magic the Gathering:
$2 per 1000 C/U (No tokens or basic lands)
$.05 per Rare/Mythic
No bonus on foils

$2 Per 1000 (No energy)
$2 Per 1000

Drop Offs
We offer the option to drop off your trade as a convenience. We may also ask that you drop off your trade if it is large or complex. Please be aware of the following for Drop Offs:
We will ask you to fill out a form to collect contact info and info about the trade
★ We will contact you regularly while it is being processed
★ You have 7 days from when we submit an offer to accept or decline. If you do not respond in 7 days or less we will conisder it rejected
★ If you accept our offer you have 30 days to collect payment. If you do not pick up in 30 days or less we will consider it rejected
★ You have 90 days after the submitted offer to pick up a rejected trade. If you do not pick it up in 90 days or less we will consider it abandoned.
★ We will hold onto your binders, containers, or deck boxes for 14 days following an accepted offer.









